Monday, October 02, 2006


The Story Of Sedona
Sedona joined our family when he was only 3 1/2 weeks old. He was a precious furry ball of love. He managed to find us within 4 days of our deciding to get another dog. A few months earlier my precious Pomeranian had passed away. We had a German Shepherd/wolf cross already and she was beginning to complain of being lonely since her little side kick had left us. We also had an elderly Greyhound but he can no longer keep up with Shanu's energy.
We had started thinking about what breeds would best suit our family situation. We considered a Husky, a Malamute, and several other possibilities but hadn't really started looking for a dog. Then, out of the blue Sedona showed up. He was all of 3 1/2 weeks old and an adorable bundle of Love. He is 85% wolf and 15%malamute. We do not advise people to get wolfdogs unless they have had a great deal of background in working with dogs of all kinds. Certainly we advise against getting one if you have children or if you don't have a great deal of time to spend with them. If you think you want a wolfdog do your research very well first!
As I said, Sedona is 85% wolf with 20% Malamute. That's a lot of wolf! Shanu, our sweet female is only 50/50, German Shepherd and Grey wolf. We love wolves for their extreme inteligence. We have had Sedona for only 3 days, he lacks 2 days of being 4 weeks old and he already knows his name. He is learning how to play. He has a full set of razor sharp baby teeth and is eating semi-solid food. He has learned that cats deserve a great deal of respect and that the best place in the world to curl up for a nap is on one of Daddy's socks.
Sedona is now 4 1/2 weeks old and continues to keep us both amused and very busy. He now knows his name and to come to me. He sleeps in his cosy little crate at night but stays at my feet and naps during the day. He has a little pen outside where he can relax or play during the day.He has learned "back away" and "back". He is working on potty 4 1/2 week this baby is potty training himself!! Shanu did this as well but she was 6-7 weeks old and I was quite impressed then!
Shanu is a 50/50 cross but in many ways her mind is pure wolf. She was our first wolf cross and the thing I love most about her is that the two of us can meet on mutual ground in so many ways but even she must occasionally be gently reminded who is in charge.
Sedona will be fixed just as soon as he is old enough. This is the only sure way that every neighboring ranch won't have wolf pups running around and not realize it. This will also turn down the testosterone levels a bit for him.
If it is possible this little fellow is going to be even more inteligent than Shanu! That is a lovely thought but it also means my husband and I will have to be even more watchful for the signs that he is trying to gain any dominance as he grows a little older. For now all he wants to gain dominance over is an old sock :)